Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lace and Burlap Decorative Banner: Wedding Decor

This banner was really so easy!
I don't know if you heard the story, but I was asked to come up with some wedding decor for my SIL two days before the wedding. Not much time right. The good news in all this was almost all of the decor was borrowed from a girl who had just had a wedding with a simliar theme. It is always a good idea to save money. We went to work using the material we borrowed and turning it onto something all our own. I think what made this banner work so well was the contrast of textures.
 (Thanks to my friend Ashley for helping me with this!!)

 This is what I used:
Lace with lots of sparkles on it from Joann's
Muslin (two different types)
satin fabric in beige
A crystal Christmas tree garland
 This is how you do it!!
First of all most of the fabric was already pre-cut because it had been used as chair ties for the previous wedding. We only had to cut the satin and one other type of muslin. We did this simply by making a small cut in the fabric and then ripping it the rest of the way. Each type of fabric varied in width.

We tied a length of twine to two chairs in our desired length and began to loosely tie the fabric to the twine in a desirable pattern. When we were done with the fabric we were able to detach the Christmas tree garland by the rings it used to connect each crystal together. We layered it between the fabric. I'd say it was about 18-24 inches long.

It was simple and just the right touch!

 Happy Crafting!


  1. Very good work here! If you are a creative person then making them yourself is a good idea but if you can't then you can have some printed fabric banners done. They all look good and their purpose is just decorative anyway.

  2. I LOVE IT!!!! I love Shabbychic décor and this is alittle more on the chic end! Beautiful and a simply elegant touch for a wedding,what a great idea! I would have loved to be the one to take it home & hang it on a window afterwards!! Im actually looking into fabrics to do something similar for my bedroom!! You have a very lucky SIL!!!

  3. Lovely blog, thanks for taking the time to share this
