Monday, December 31, 2012

DIY: New Year's Resolution Journal- Fast, Easy, Cheap!

I was spending the night at a friend's house across the street from my house for New Year's Eve. I was eight years old. I remember sitting around her small round kitchen table with her mom and dad and brother. This is my earliest memory of making a New Year's Resolution. I haven't the foggiest idea of what my resolution was at that tender age. Nor do I remember any of my  resolutions from any of the other years . . . except last year. Why . . . because I finally wrote it down. Along with the rest of my family's

Last New Year's Eve we sat around my tall, square kitchen table and talked about resolutions and goals. We didn't go into too much detail since we have four small children, just enough to give them the general  idea.

It is so fun to look back on the things my kids said . . .here is a small taste of what was recorded:

 Husband: Read all of the scriptures before 2013
Me: Excersice at least 3 times a week
Finish Book of Mormon
Read Ensign each month
Cambria (8) : Go to Hawaii and play volleyball for a year
Kiera (6): Do fireworks every New Year!
Malachi (4) Do fireworks every New "Thor's" (he was and still is way into Superheroes)
Raia (1): To learn how to walk
To turn Two Years old!

As you can see they range from frivolous to serious. Now we can look back and see what we actually were able to do!

 Husband: Read all of the scriptures before 2013 (incomplete)
Me: Excersice at least 3 times a week (complete- until I tore my ACL, that is)
Finish Book of Mormon (incomplete)
Read Ensign each month (incomplete)
Cambria (8) : Go to Hawaii and play volleyball for a year (incomplete)
Kiera (6): Do fireworks every New Year! (Complete??)
Malachi (4) Do fireworks every New "Thor's" (he was and still is way into Superheroes) (Complete??)
Raia (1): To learn how to walk (complete)
To turn Two Years old! (complete)

You can see that some of us did better than others!!! I like the idea of using a notebook because all the pages stay together. There are no loose papers to loose. Plus I was done in 20 minutes. Just enough time to make sure the glue was all the way dry.

To make your own New Year's Resolution Journal You will need:

One Composition Notebook
Scrapbook Paper
A ribbon
Mod Podge

Cut down scrapbook paper to size, glue it to the cover of your composition book, add ribbon or any other embellishments you desire . . .then record your resolutions!
 How dun this will be to look back on every year!!!
I can't wait to see what my kids come up with this year!!

 Happy New Year!! May 2013 Be YOUR year!


  1. We are making a notebook like this for our YW. We are going to use them on Sunday's with the new curriculum so they can write down questions, thoughts or glue in handouts.

  2. Yay! That sounds like fun! Toshia, Have I told you lately that you are the best commenter! You always make my day! Miss you!
