Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Fluffiest Scrambled Eggs

In  a house full of picky eaters, scrambles eggs is one of a very few recipes that can please all six tummies in my household. Today I am going to reveal a secret that will teach you how to make the fluffiest scrambled eggs in the world:) When  I say  fluffy, I mean big, fat, mouth watering, delicious-fill-the-fork-to-capacity-bites!
This little gadget is the key . . . your household blender. Pictured below is the blender we got as a wedding gift more than 13 years ago! I don't know why, but  eggs liked to be whipped and beaten like a dirty rug. Hand whipping takes to long to achieve the kind of fluffiness that a blender can create in a matter of minutes. Add all your ingredients to your blender and blend for 2-3 minutes . . .then cook as normal.

The results of blender your eggs is evident as soon as your poor them into your frying pan. They should look frothy and foamy. This is the prelude to yumminess.

Like a college freshman who gains 20 pounds their first time away from home you should be able to tell that the eggs are bulkier than usual as you scrape the pan.

 Season. Serve. Enjoy!

 Now you know the secret and you can  . . .
Bon Apetite!

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