Sunday, November 17, 2013

Baby Shower Gifts for Girls! Homemade Headbands!

I should have put this with my previous post! I also made these cute little headbands for my unborn niece!
I was in such a hurry to get out the door that my picture quality suffered a little bit, but you can get the general idea.

I didn't make this hat, but the flower is made out of an old shirt. I cute out about 8 circles the size of the bottom of a soup can, and 1 circle slightly smaller for the center. I folded all the circles in fourths except the smallest one, glued them onto a small piece of felt. I hot glued the center to the top and then glued a button on top. I attached an alligator hair clip to the bottom of the felt piece and secured it in place with a ribbon to hide the hot glue. Then I stuck it onto this cute t, which I did not make because I am not that talented.

 The two headband pictured above are made out of baby tights measured about 13 inches long. Headbands are great for headbands because they are so stretchy! The can go from newborn to about 6 months! I hot glued the ends together and wrapped a small piece around the glued spot to protect baby's head. The flowers are made out of various size circles cut from satin and polyester with the edges slightly burned to prevent fraying. I also added a little tulle and ribbon. The centerpieces are decorative brads and a chevron pattern bottle cap.
 The headband pictured above and below are different types of stretch lace. Above flower above is made the same way as the other two above it and the bow below is made out of  felt. I didn't measure it. I just cut a piece the length of the rectangle felt squares, folded the two ends into the center and hot glued. Then I put a dab of glue in the center and squeezed the center together. Then I tied  a ribbon around the center, because I wanted it to be pinched together tighter. Then I cut another little strip to wrap around the center of the bow and hot glued that in place. I glued that onto the lace and put another small piece of felt on the bottom to protect baby's head from any rough glue. Find a bow tie tutorial here and here.
 It really is easier than it sounds!

 Happy crafting!


  1. cute little band.for two purpose we can have this head and also in hand.multicolor bands.
    Unique baby bows

  2. Adorable. We LOVE hand-crafted and DIY ideas.

    Our love for these types of creations pushed us to create our own line of personalized gifts for girls. We try to focus on cute and different designs based on the age of the Girl. Age ranges from 3 till 20. Things like Jewellery Boxes, Sling Bags and Pocket Mirrors

    Thanks for sharing!!
