Friday, November 8, 2013

Make a Snowman out of Pumpkins! Kid Friendly Craft!

I wrote this post for my cousin's blog last year. I know it is a little early for Christmas, but I wanted to give you time to save your pumpkins so you know what is possible!! Might as well get your money's worth out of them!

Christmas 2012
Many of you may find yourselves snuggling around a crackling fireplace gently nursing a warm cup of hot chocolate. Maybe your drapes are drawn open and you can see gentle white snowflakes undulating through the air until they finally join the thick blanket of snow that makes up the landscape of your winter wonderland.

That would not be the case for me.

Until last week, we were still enjoying weather in the 70 degree range. Quite lovely weather really. Though it hardly makes one feel like Christmas is coming.

Since we Southern Nevadans are lacking in the snow department, my kids and I made this:

 I would am delighted to tell all of you  how to make this super easy snowman out of your Halloween/ Thanksgiving Pumpkins.

You will need:
Three pumpkins (compatible snowman sizes)
White paint
Black felt
Orange felt
Hot glue
Two sticks for the arms
Paint brushes

This really is quite simple. The most difficult part is making sure your pumpkins sit on top of each other without falling.  I set my four kiddos to work painting three orange pumpkins white. They did a really splotchy job, but they had a great time.

Next we cut out shapes out of felt. Two larger sized circles for the eyes, a triangle for the nose out of orange, and 4 smaller size circles for the mouth. I hot glued these items on for the kids.

I sent them out to the yard to find sticks for the hands. I had to start a small hole in the pumpkin with a knife, then I jammed the sticks inside the hole.

Lastly, we tied on a little orange scarf and viola!
We may not have snow, but now we have a snowman!

Merry Christmas!

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