Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Free Printables: Christmas Subway Art

Merry Christmas! It actually feels like Christmas here in the desert because it is actually COLD! There is even snow on our mountains! Last year at this time we were enjoying weather in the 70's.
I just wanted to let you know something...
I have found a new creative love!
 Designing subway art and the like on my photoshop elements! It is a great artistic outlet because there is no cost! I can create and create and not spend a dime on supplies!

I wanted to give you a gift of free printables. I don't know how to create a download I could Google it, but right now I am feeling a bit too lazy to do so.

Instead you will just have to right click and save this little picture. It is a hi high resolution 8x10 and I hope you enjoy it!

 I got the chalk board background from We Lived Happily Ever After.
She has tons of designs and fonts and fun stuff that she offers for free.
I honestly can't remember where I got the fonts but I have a link to them on my Font Pinterest Board.
You can find all the fonts and link that I used to add them to my computer on that beautiful little board!

I made this one for my friend, Ginger to use in a lesson that she is going to give at her church. I love the colors on this and I think it is something that you could leave up all year!

 Merry Christmas!

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