Thursday, January 23, 2014

DIY: Conversation Shirt!

                                                                                                                       DIY: Conversation Shirt
I hate spending money.

Ok. you got me.
I LOVE spending money.
But only on the things I really want to buy using the money I have saved. I am the wife of a teacher so I gotta be careful about how I spend our funds. Frugality is key. The philosophy for our family of six, "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." I heard that from an old college friend and I loved it!
DIY: COnversation T-shirt
I love these shirts! They make me happy every time I see them!

One of the things we save money on is pajamas. Our sleep wear usually consists of over sized t-shirts and cut off sweat pants. Nothing fancy.

So when we have pajama themed pancake breakfasts at out church, I get a little stressed out because no way are our p.j.'s acceptable to wear anywhere but between our sheets in the confines of our own home!

What to do? What to do?

Run to Walmart, buy a $3 dollars shirt and a $3 dollar pair of polka-dot legging and create my own "presentable" jammies.

Here is what you need to make your own DIY: Conversation Shirts!
Freezer paper
Puffy Paints
Exacto Knife (you can use scissors if you can be really precise)
Hot Iron
Small Paint brush
DIY: Conversation T-shirts

Directions for creating your own DIY: Conversations Shirt
This really is quite easy. I don't like to do hard crafts. I promise you can do it.
First, on your computer, type the word you would like on your shirt in you desired font.

Second, Print it out and trace it on the non shiny side of the wax paper.

Third, cut it out to create a template. I used my exacto knife.

Fourth, Iron the shiny side of the wax paper to your shirt. You should be able to read your word. If not, then you did it wrong. Please start again ant number one.

Fifth, paint on your desired color of puffy paint. Remove the wax paper before before your paint is completely dry. If you fail to do this, pieces of your wax paper may become permanently stuck to your puffy painted word. I won't tell you how I know this to be true, but, you should trust me on this.

Once your shirt is completely dry, you are ready to enjoy your shirt!

If you will notice on my above shirt, I used both parts of the template because I got tired of cutting out the words. 

The thicker the font the better. Swirly fonts are hard to cut.

This also got me thinking...this style of  DIY:Conversation T-shirts opens up so many possibilities! This of all the simple shirts that you could are sold for so much money on etsy. Like the cute little birthday shirts that have the child's age on it. You could totally do that. Scroll down to see what I mean.
DIY: Conversation T-Shirt

 There wasn't any reference for this, but you could easily do it with puffy paint.Think how fun this would be to do for a slumber party or a birthday party with kids old enough to do their own cutting. Otherwise it would just be too much work for you!
$14.99 at Target and you could make one way cuter and even add a boy for a girl.

From: Pricelesskids for $16.00. Of course, buy it if you don't want to make it!
or this is fun too: Your last name with a decal.
Ok. You get the idea. Endless possibilities. Lots of fun!

Happy Crafting!

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