Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Real Stories From Real Moms!

The best thing about talking to other moms is the shared experiences and stories. You know the kind that make you laugh and cry and sigh immense styles of relief when you realize that you are not a lone in your struggles.

Well, my sister-in-law Sarah, of "Better of Wed" is uniting the moms of the world by sharing real life stories every week. I feel honored to be the first to kick of this exciting new adventure.
You can find my article here, I think I will title it,
 "In the Thick of It!"

Here is an excert:
"I have seen a toe get chopped off.
I have had someone flip my eyelid inside out.
I have seen gums scraped away from teeth.
I have been head butted in the mouth.
I have witnessed someone attempt to fly only to slam into a wall with disappointment.
I have bandaged bloody wounds.
I have wrestled people into the bathtub.
I have been vomited on.
I have seen a patient receive too much morphine and almost die.
What am I? A nurse? A nurse at a loony bin?
I am a mom". 
Visit Better of Wed to read more. I hope you will!

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