Friday, September 5, 2014

Yummy Green-ish Smoothie!

Green-ish Smoothie

I am hooked on this delicious green-ish smoothie! I can't get enough of it! Best thing is, it is only four ingredients. Plus ice.
And, it isn't too green. You know what I mean?
This green-ish smoothie is also great for a post workout treat!
The ingredients are:
1. A banana (frozen bananas make the smoothie creamier, but fresh works just fine)
2. Spinach, not quite a handful.
3. A scoop of peanut butter. I like Adams Peanut butter because it is only peanuts and salt.)
4. 6-8 ounces of milk. Any kind from regular milk to almond to coconut milk. You choose.
5. 2-3 ice cubes.
Blend away!

The secret is the peanut butter. it totally disguises the spinach flavor. You can't taste it at all.

When I wake up in the morning this is what I look forward to. To me, it is the best green smoothie.

What is so great about these ingredients?
More than you wanted to know!

 Bananas are a low fat fruit full of vitamins, mineral and fiber. The potassium in bananas help maintain normal blood pressure and heart function. They can even block the absorption of dietary cholesterol as well as help protect against stomach ulcers.

Find 7 unexpected health benefits of bananas here.

Spinach is one of nature's low calorie super foods. Packed with vitamins and minerals, protein and iron (energy), it helps your skin, hair and bones! It can improve blood glucose in diabetics, lower one's risk to cancer, lowers one's blood pressure and can lower one's risk to developing asthma.

It also contains magnesium which is crucial for your metabolism as well as muscle and nerve function.
Find more out about health benefits of spinach here.

Peanut Butter:
Yes, it is actually good for you! Stop feeling guilty! It has contains both fiber and protein which help you feel full longer. It also has vitamin E, magnesium for your bones and potassium for your muscles AND B6 for immunity boosting power!
It can reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
AND it is full of monounsaturated fat, the GOOD FAT which can actually help decrease belly fat!
Find out more here.

Oh, and don't forget this yummy smoothie! It is also great for a post workout treat!

I hope you love it!


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