Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Grandma's Holiday Trifle...Yum!

Christmas, Thanksgiving, The 4TH of July, Easter...any time the whole big fam gets together, there is only one consistent food based request; Grandma's Trifle.

Don't you think that it would be so fun to have a signature dish? Something that your family and friends looked forward to eating? Something that was your specialty?
I gotta work on my signature dish.

I want people to say, "Oh, I hope Amy brings ______ to the dinner tonight!" Hmmmm, I'll get back to you when I have discovered my masterpiece.

This rich dessert is layers and layers of yummy goodness and I just happen to be very fond of the woman who makes it. I am kind of lucky to have the best Grandma in the whole world. She has been an anchor in my life. She was the one I could always go to if I needed a little extra love, or a listening ear or a whole pizza and the Disney channel all to myself.

When I would stay home sick from school, I knew if I called my Grandma she would bring me movies to watch and a snack to eat. She was awesome!!

To this day when anything happens in my life their are two people who I call, My Mom and my Grandma.

Isn't this trifle just gorgeous?!

 We were lucky enough to have my Grandma visit our house and show us in person how to make this decadent dessert.

 Here she is, whipping it up with my girls!!! Notice how the toffee is layered on the outside of the brownie? Remember that, ok?!

 How lucky are they to be learning to cook with their Great Grandma!!!

 Ok! Here it is:
 You need:
2 Boxes of Brownie Mix
1 Box Large Instant puding mix
1 Box small instant pudding mix
1 Huge tub of Cool Whip (16 oz)
1 Small tub of Cool Whip (8 Oz)
1 Bag of Toffee Bits (** Side Note Quote: "My grandsons always tell me there is never enough toffee, but one bag is enough. -Grandma)

Make boxed ingredients according to instruction. Let Brownies cool completely and get ready to layer!

Bottom Layer: Broken up brownie pieces. Use toffee to line the outside of every layer. Their purpose is decorative as well as being tasty! ( look at the picture again and pay attention to the toffee!
Next layer: pudding, decorate sides with toffee
Next layer: Cool whip, decorate sides with toffee
Top it with a strawberry, or cherry, or the left over toffee or whatever makes your little heart go pitter patter.

Depending on the size of your dish, you may have left overs or you may need to double your batch. But trust me, what I just gave you makes a lot! And it is rich so it is hard to eat very much.

My Grandma said she has never tasted this trifle. Isn't that funny. She must snack while she is making it and then finds herself full upon the completion of her masterpiece!

Hope you love it! Maybe it will become your signature dish!


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