Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Craft For Kids: Sand Art!

So this is such a fun craft! This post was featured at Honebear Lane a moth ago and enough time has passed that I can feature it on my own blog now. Don't let the 4TH of July theme scare you, you can turn your sand any color you want. There are so many combos to try and your kids really will have a blast: Here is my post minus the HBL intro:

To kick things off, I'd like to start with something patriotic since the 4Th of July is right around the corner! I love America and I love the 4TH of July! I love celebrating our precious freedom with family and friends and fireworks! Here is a picture of today's activity:
It is so fun and easy and it kept my kids busy for over an hour. Of course you know you aren't restricted to the red, white and blue colors. You can do any colors you would like! I just thought they would be fun decor  for the holiday.
These are your needed items:
*Zip Loc sandwich bags (one bag per color per child if you want them to mix their own- it is part of the fun)
*Sand from the dolor store (one time I used salt and it works just fine)
*One baby food jar per child ( or whatever glass jar you want to fill.)
*Food coloring. To get a bright red gel food coloring is best. I used the regular liquid food coloring for the blue.
* Small funnel (optional)
I filled my 1/4 cup measuring cup half way (1/8 of a cup) and poor it into a zip loc bag and added a tiny bit of red gel food coloring. I scooped the gel out of the container with a knife.
I did this for each of my girls. Sealed their bags and let them mix the food coloring and the sand. It helps to squeeze most of the air from the bag.
 I let them shake the bag and , push the bag and do whatever it takes to spread that color around. It really isn't hard, but it is kinda fun!!
Repeat this process with your other color(s).

Using a funnel is optional, but it did make transferring the sand to the baby food jar a little less messy. We filled the bottom third with the blue coloring first.
Then we added the plain white sand . . .
And topped of the jar with a little red sand!

After making our patriotic sand decor, my kids then began to mix other colors with sand to fill more baby food jars. They really had a blast and like I said i kept them busy for over an hour. My four year old is not pictured, but even he had a fun time doing this little project.
I think my kids enjoy seeing their arts and crafts used as decorations around the house. I think it make them feel somewhat special to see the things they have created in a place of hone. It is good for the old self-esteem you know!
I hope you enjoyed this sand art project and I hope that you get to try it out with your little ones! 

Hope you enjoy crafting with your kids as much as I do!

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