Thursday, July 26, 2012

DIY Tulle Pom Pom Trees

A couple of months ago I made these really cute tulle pom pom topiarys for a party. At the same time I also made this little pom pom tree as well, but never posted about it. So what do I say, better late than never. I made the pom poms the same way I did in the other post (highlighted above) but on a smaller scale. I think i used the bottom of a cup to make the pattern.

Then I hot glued them to a branch from a fig tree in my backyard. Tied on a little bow and used a cute little watering can full of rice to display it. My kids thought it kind of looked like Dr. Sues's truffula tree.
Anyway, here is another cute any easy project you can do in any color to match any theme or decor!
Happy Crafting!

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