Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Free Fall Subway Art

I have recently discovered that I can design subway art on photoshop elements! I am thrilled and a tad addicted to doing this now with every quote I fall in love with.
I want to show you what I have made. Feel free to print it from my site. Just let people know where you got it from pretty please! Sorry, I don't know how to load it so that you can download it. You'll just have to right click and copy and save it into the file of your choice. I need to learn to do that And  learn how to download fonts onto my computer! I am sure it is easy, but when I am uncertain of how to do things I always find a way to put off doing them.

So I printed these off in an 8x10 and mounted them on foam board with spray adhesive.
This was my first attempt and what I learned is that I needed to save a little more margin room so that words wouldn't be covered once they were in a frame. But since they are mounted on the foam board, i just stood them up in an easel next to the rest of my decor and it loos just fine.

Use them if you can!

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