Thursday, November 7, 2013

Unsanded Grout Chalk Paint: UpcycledDresser

I had so much fun transforming this out-dated light yellow dresser into a shabby chic little pink piece of furniture for my pink loving three year old!

My friend Brittiany and I did it the same day as our Chalk Paint Wars: Which Chalk Paint is Best.

This is the recipe for unsanded Grout:

*Unsanded Grout Chalk Paint Recipe
1 cup paint 
1 Tbl unsanded grout
 add a Tbl water to the grout
 add to the paint
 Add more water if paint is too thick one tablespoon at a time
* it wasn't until after I used this that I read the back label which clearly states that this
 product can cause cancer. After reading this I don't recommend it when their are much safer methods to achieve similar results.

To see other chalk paint recipes click here:

This is the only "before" picture I remembered to take. That is Britt's Head:)

I spray painted the hardware a metallic silver in high gloss. I ended up not liking it though because it didn't match the major distressing we did with sandpaper and steel wool. So I ended up sanding the hardware too in order to make it look aged.

My Pink Lover Approved!

Here is a better picture of some of the distressing.

And here we are... the final product! It was fun and went relatively fast.
 I used to be afraid of painting because what if I {gasp} messed up. The truth is, sometimes you do, but it can always be fixed. So don't stress just do it. You are totally capable!


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