this post isn't so much about a crafty tutorial,
but more about me finding a crafty way to give charity.
I have been uber busy working on our new company, Booty Buns Cloth Diapers.
First let me say that I have been dreaming about this company for over a year and all the wonderful help that we will be able to provide because of it! I am a loss for words to describe the excitement and peace I feel surrounding this whole new endeavor!
I have been in communication with Sprouts Farmers' Market about
getting them into their stores. I just have this feeling inside that this going to change not only our family's whole world, but it will change the world and make it a better place for so many people! To find out more about us, and support us, check out the following links, then follow and share them and talk about us on your blogs, facebooks and twitters!!!
A BIG THANKS to Sherrie Green for being our first follower on all sites!! :)

:) :) :)
:) :) :)
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