When I was pregnant with Aarilynn, I spent hours searching the internet for free patterns or ideas for baby cloths. I found a lot; but, my favorite site is Made-By-Rae. She is uber talented and has so many crafty ideas and baby patterns!!!!!! This is her picture of the Itty Bitty Dress she created and posted on her site:

I wanted to make the this dress ever since I stumble across it, but I wasn't sure how much she would weigh.
Since her sister was over 8 pounds I figured she would be too ~ and she was. Anyways, I finally got my chance to make it for a baby shower. Everyone I know was having boys, so I was super excited when I got invited to one for a girl!
I pulled the pattern out and decided to go a little bigger in case she has big babies too {I was too tired to think of that when she was born} but I went a little too big for a newborn. I guess I just had 12 months on the brain. Since it fit my baby, I had to crochet a cocoon instead ;)
Since her sister was over 8 pounds I figured she would be too ~ and she was. Anyways, I finally got my chance to make it for a baby shower. Everyone I know was having boys, so I was super excited when I got invited to one for a girl!
I pulled the pattern out and decided to go a little bigger in case she has big babies too {I was too tired to think of that when she was born} but I went a little too big for a newborn. I guess I just had 12 months on the brain. Since it fit my baby, I had to crochet a cocoon instead ;)

So if you want a 9-12 months, then print it and add like 2 inches on the sides and bottom. Also extend the round part by about an inch. I didn't do this part because for some sleepy reason I didn't think it was going to be this big! I have been making lots of dresses and PJs for the baby, so I must have just been on automatic. Also, Rae's design doesn't call for buttons or zippers, but I added buttons on the back so I wouldn't have to fuss getting it on and off her. I still love this dress and the next chance I get to make one for a baby girl I will follow instructions lol.
Very Cute Shannon! I love how you can adjust patterns to fit whomever you need to fit!