You can make homemade meatballs if you like, but I like the shortcut better:
1 32 oz bag of home style frozen meatballs
4T cornstarch
1 c. packed brown sugar
2 cans pineapple tidbits
2/3 c vinegar
2T soy sauce
2/3 c chopped green pepper (optional)
Place frozen meatballs in the crock pot.
mix other ingredients in a medium bowl and add to crock pot.
Cook on low for 4 hours ( I stir it once or twice the second two hours)
Serve over white rice . . .
Also . . . I was tagged by my friend, Ang, over at Sparkles and Bugs. She writes a Health/Fitness/Craft blog and is worth getting to know. I haven't played tagged for years, but these are the rules:
Here are the rules:
*Post these rules.
*You must post 11 random things about yourself.
*Answer the questions set for you in their post.
*Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer (sorry I just used the same questions)
*Go to their blog or facebook page and tell them you’ve tagged them.
So here we go with ELEVEN Random Things About Me:
1. I was MVP of my high school soccer team.
2. I Graduated from BYUH with a B.S. Degree in Special Education.
3. I taught school for three years and then became a stay-at-home-mom.
4. I bought my first car for $1200 when I was 22 years old.
5. I lived in Hawaii for SEVEN years.
6. I almost drowned at Waiamea Bay in 10-12 foot waves.
7. I sleep with three pillows
8. I wish I had a sister
9. I must have my toenails painted at all times.
10. I use sunless tanning lotion religiously from March to October.
11. I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Okay now for the questions that Ang asked me:
Favorite Book?So hard to choose because I LOVE to read! I will say that I have read the Hunger Game series and I am way excited for the movie to come out in March.
Weights or Cardio? Weights
What is your biggest fear? not being prepared
What is your favorite TV show? Castle
What is your favorite food? Shrimp Scampi
What is your most beloved item? Camera
What is your favorite gift to yourself? shoes
What is your favorite drink? Water
What would be your dream job? Novelist
What is your least favorite vegetable? Brussel Sprouts
What is your favorite memory? My first date with my future husband. Surfing at Waikiki in the shadow of Diamond Head Crater (volcano) in the early evening. So fun!
Here is another thing about me. I only like rules when they work in my favor. I don't want to tag 11 blogs . . . I am only tagging two (because Ang already tagged all the bloggers that I know personally:))
I tag:
Bandy Canyon
Honeybear Lane
By the way . . . you should check these blogs out!
I'll be your sister Amy! :) MMM...the kakobs look yummy!